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Version: 2.0

How to configure SDK (Android)


The SDK layer need to be configured if not using AppKit or there is a need to configure features that are not available in AppKit. Also there is a few features that are available in SDK layer only.

Like Modules, Key Actions, Widgets that are not integrated with Huma Platform.


To configure it you need to prepare your project based on this [page](../Getting Started/Android). Also make sure to setup the Foundation layer before configuring the SDK.

context.installHumaSdk {
sdk {
// (Required if not using AppKit) Deployment repository to be used for fetching deployments
deploymentRepository = DeploymentRepository()
// (Required if not using AppKit) Modules repository to be used for fetching modules
modulesRepo = ModulesRepo()
// (Required if not using AppKit) User repository to be used for fetching user data
userRepo = UserRepo()

actionKit {
// (Optional) List of key action providers to be used for fetching key actions
providers = listOf<KeyActionProvider>
// (Optional) Default datetime range to be used for fetching key actions. By default it is 2 weeks from now and 3 months in the past
datetimeRange = DateTimeRange.Default
// (Optional) List of key action view overrides to be used for customizing key action views
keyActionViewOverride = listOf<KeyActionViewOverride>
authKit {
// (Required if not using AppKit) Auth repository to be used for fetching auth data
authRepository = AuthRepository()
// (Required if not using AppKit) Invitation repository to be used for fetching invitations
invitationRepository = InvitationRepository()
// (Required if not using AppKit) Logout repository to be used for logging out user
logoutRepository = LogoutRepository()
// (Required if not using AppKit) Regions repository to be used for fetching regions
regionsRepository = RegionsRepository()
// (Required if not using AppKit) User repository to be used for fetching user data
userRepository = UserRepository()
// (Required if not using AppKit) Deployment selector repository to be used for selecting deployment
deploymentSelectorRepo = DeploymentSelectorRepo()
// (Required if not using AppKit) Retained account repository to be used for retaining account
retainedAccountRepo = RetainedAccountRepo()
// (Optional) Enable or disable manual signup, by default it is false
manualSignup = true / false
// (Optional) Enable or disable retaining credentials, by default it is false
retainCredentials = true / false
// (Optional) Enable or disable manual deployment switch, by default it is false
manualDeploymentSwitch = true / false
// (Optional) List of auth types to be used for authentication, by default it is Email
authTypes = listOf<AuthType>
deviceIntegration {
// (Optional) Enable or disable showing fitness tracker on startup, by default it is false
showFitnessTrackerOnStartup = true / false
installModules {
// Install device integration modules, by default all 1st party modules are installed automatically if dependencies are added in build.gradle.kts
//Alternatively you can install via
installModule(DeviceIntegrationLibrary1(), DeviceIntegrationLibrary2(), ...)
moduleKit {
installModules {
// Install modules, by default all 1st party modules are installed automatically if dependencies are added in build.gradle.kts
//Alternatively you can install via
installModule(ModuleProvider1(), ModuleProvider2(), ...)

installModuleCardViewOverride {
// Install module card view overrides, used for customizing module card views in existing modules
//Alternatively you can install via
installModuleCardViewOverride(ModuleCardViewOverride1(), ModuleCardViewOverride2(), ...)
storage {
// (Required if not using AppKit) Storage repository to be used for fetching storage data (AWS, Google Cloud, etc.)
storageRepository = StorageRepository()
onboardingKit {
// (Required if not using AppKit) AppKit will add generic onboarding steps during initialization.
// AppKit also exposes the same option to register onboarding steps
steps {
listOf<OnboardingStep>() // List of onboarding steps to be used for onboarding
profileKit {
// (Required if not using AppKit) Profile repository for profile screen
profileSettingsRepository = ProfileSettingsRepository()
// Show debug sections in profile screen
showDebugProfileSection = true / false
questionnaire {
// Use to add more question types to the questionnaire engine
questions = listOf<RegisterQuestionParams>()
// For questions that use validation flow both local and remote
commonValidator = CommonValidator()
unitsKit {
// (Optional) List of units to be used for preferred units flow. By default it is empty and set by AppKit
configSource = PreferredUnitsConfigSource()
widgetKit {
// Install widget providers, by default all 1st party widget providers are installed automatically if dependencies are added in build.gradle.kts
installProviders(WidgetProvider1(), WidgetProvider2(), ...)

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